Friday, January 15, 2010

Smiles and Dollers

Hey peeps! So, lately I've been trying out giving smiles to people as gifts. Yesterday I gave one to every stranger that came my way whom I made eye contact with, and if I had an interaction with them, I also added the most genuine, "have a great day!" that I could come up with. This is definitely a fulfilling way to give gifts to people! With each smile, I could tell it was brightening up people's day, and it was making me feel better as I did it. I guess the whole endorphin thing that happens when you smile really is true and makes an impact. By the end of the day, which I should mention was a REALLY busy one for me, I felt so light and happy! These are gifts that when given, also give you something back. So with each smile...I was giving to myself!

Today I had another exhausting, busy day. But, I did something for myself, by going to an audition that lasted 2 and a half hours, all of improv, which was so much fun and got me feeling so alive. I absolutely love this work! My gift today was a humble dollar given to a man by the freeway asking for assistance. I actually really like helping out the homeless by giving them some change, they always seem genuinely grateful and often touched. Its pretty cool, actually. I mean, I'm not saying I'm going to go around giving all my monies to all the poorest of the poor - then I'd be right there with them. But, I am saying that its something that I am okay with doing from time to time, when the situation and time is right.

Tomorrow is another really busy day for me, but I'm looking forward to it as I have auditions to go to which I can only be grateful for. Please share your stories with me! All the best :-)

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