Monday, January 18, 2010

Give and Share Love

I've been slacking on the gifts lately. The past few days have been pretty crazy for me, and I've not pushed myself to write or take time to exercise as I should be. However, I have decided to quit something that is hurting me more than helping me, and hope this will increase my energy and make me more active. I'm looking forward to being more productive!

Sometimes, actually a lot of times, people are so kind as to give to me. There are many ways to give to someone, as I've discovered and have explored more recently. Material gifts can say and mean a lot, depending on the relationship with the person and the gift itself. I' had trouble with a family member in the past years, which was troubling and painful, and I prayed for it to be resolved. When I came into contact with that family member recently, I decided it was best to act normal and just give the greatest gift: Love. So I did. And what I got in return was wonderful, unconditional love. I didn't expect it, and was surprised and felt how strong family love is. When I said "I love you" to this person as I was leaving, they looked at me with an expression of surprise, and returned the phrase. Although they were surprised, I could see how happy they were.

And I meant it. I do love that person, and I think its silly and selfish for me to keep that to myself when I can be sharing it with them. After all, Love is truly the greatest gift anyone can give!

Now that's something right there. The gift of love. When you decide to give your love to someone, you have to do it with no stipulations, or else it can't be genuine. Giving love is often difficult, as the emotion is so strong it feels as though it will eat you if its kept to yourself, or you risk the possibility of not having it returned once you give it. That's the thing, though. You can't give love expecting and asking for it in return. You just have to love them for all the reasons you love them, and let them have that love.

Of course, there are times when people stomp on you, manipulate you and take advantage of your love. I've heard people say, and have said myself, that you're wasting your time, energy and emotions on people who do this. In a way I'd say I still believe this, but then again I feel when you love people who are willing and continually hurting you, then you are not loving  yourself, which is most important. If you can give your love to someone with no conditions or expectations, then you have to just leave it as that. Love for them, love for the sake of being love, something wonderful and powerful and joyous to have and to give. Right?

Please, share your thoughts! Oh, and spread the love :-)

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